2016 Presidential Election:
Why can’t Hillary connect with young voters?; written by communications arts and sciences professor Nichola Gutgold – PennLive.com (Feb. 21)
Hillary Clinton’s Candidacy Reveals Generational Schism Among Women; article quotes communications arts and sciences professor Nichola Gutgold – New York Times (Feb. 16)
Independent Michael Bloomberg considering running for president; article quotes political science professor Zachary Baumann – Daily Collegian (Feb. 10)
Was college once free in United State as Bernies Sanders says?; article quotes education professor Roger Geiger – Politifact (Feb. 9)
Is Donald Trump’s plan to ban all Muslim immigrants from the U.S. legal?; Video Probing Question – PennLive.com (Feb. 9)
Sanders surges in polls despite identity as socialist; article quotes McCourtney Institute Director Christopher Beem – Tribune-Review (Feb. 7)
As Clinton seeks to break the glass ceiling. Many young feminists shrug; article quotes communications arts and sciences professor Nichola Gutgold – LA Times (Feb. 4)
U.S. Politics:
Study finds bipartisan US support for parks and recreation services – Phys.Org (Feb. 24)
Fulfill Justice Scalia’s legacy by appointing his replacement; written by Penn State Dickinson Law Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Carla Pratt – Lancaster Online (Feb. 21)
Democratic ideals versus realpolitik, a populist struggle for all times; written by media studies professor Matt Jordan – Huffington Post (Feb. 3)
Hot Button Issues:
Science Teachers’ Grasp of Climate Change Is Found Lacking – New York Times (Feb. 11)
— How teachers are getting it wrong on climate change – Washington Post (Feb. 11)
— Overwhelming percentage of science teachers confused about climate change – Newsweek (Feb. 11)
— Climate confusion among U.S. teachers – National Center for Science Education (Feb. 11)
Pennsylvania Politics:
State-related college presidents push for budget deal – Philadelphia Inquirer (Feb. 24)
— Flagship universities are at risk – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Feb. 21)
— State budget failure puts universities at risk – Centre Daily Times (Feb. 21)
— Pa’s budget failure puts state-related universities at risk: Another view – PennLive.com (Feb. 19)